Kamis, 01 Maret 2018

What Is It A Cryptocurrency? History and Full Explanation

Perhaps among you anyone ever heard about doing business using Bitcoin, Bitcoin payment, or buy credits with Bitcoin. Bitcoin itself is one kind of Cryptocurrency. Then what is actually referred to with Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency consists of the word Crypto and currency, so when viewed in terms of language it means "the Eyes Money Secret", because Crypto means secret and currency is currency. The meaning is slightly similar to the understanding in terms of terminology, namely "currency that is digital and secrets".

So a Cryptocurrency is a currency in digital form(digital/virtual currency) and are also confidential. Of course because of the digital form then there is no physical form, unless you create your own gold or another metal with the same value. But although not physical, this currency still has value, as you can buy a Laptop or a Smartphone from Apple using Bitcoin.

The first Cryptocurrency that was created is Bitcoin, so Bitcoin is the most famous everywhere. Bitcoin
made by an "Anonymous" named Satoshi Nakamoto. Well, after Bitcoin appear, finally appeared also a coin - the coin called Altcoin(Alternative Coin), such as Litecoin and Dogecoin.The properties that distinguish Cryptocurrency with money is its decentralized and secretive. Decentralized means that this currency is not regulated by the person/organization, including the maker themselves. So the price can go up and down, can be expensive last drop falls free so very cheap.

Cryptocurrency is also secretive, because his name is also "Crypto". Cryptocurrency uses cryptographic methods to secure and conceal the transaction. Please be aware that many criminals in the Deepweb a transaction using a Cryptocurrency because it is the FBI also wouldn't know someone send the to another person to pay something, if the use of Cryptocurrency.

Natural way to get a Cryptocurrency that is mined with the computer, but the meaning of the mining it does not mean digging something. The way the computer is mine to resolve the transactions of other users. So as you take care of a transaction other people, then get paid. But this way is very wasteful of money; extravagant cost of electricity and have to use the computer so as not quickly broken used mine.

In addition to mine, there are dozens of other ways to get Cryptocurrency, one that is with the Paid Games like Goldsmugglers.

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