Jumat, 09 Maret 2018

Advantages and disadvantages of Centralized, Decentralized and Client/server

I will discuss the problem of the advantages and disadvantages of centralized, decentralized and Client/server. Accidentally I post about this issue because there is the task of information systems course. We just discussed. ^_^

Centralization is the process of assigning decision-making authority to higher levels of the hierarchy of the organization. In an organization, centralized decision-making has moved to a higher level or levels of the organization, such as headquarters, or a company.
Advantages of centralization :
• Easier to coordinate and control from the center
• Faster decision-making is easier to show strong leadership.
• Exchange of data and/or information can be done easily because of the uniformity of storage technology of primary and secondary data.
• Guarantee the establishment of a system that is holistic and coherent in the whole state of the organization because it is standardized and centralized.
Lack of centralization :
• Local managers tend to be much closer to the needs of the customer.
• Lack of authority down the hierarchy may reduce the motivation of managers.
• Customer service does not benefit from flexibility and speed in decision-making local.
• Limited ability to meet the needs of the user.
• Because it will usually lead to a certain standard, often need to be removed the cost is relatively much more expensive compared with the nonstandard.

Decentralization is the process of making decisions and policy to the manager or the people who are on the lower level in an organizational structure.

Advantages Of Decentralization :
• Increased responsibility towards the expenses
• Increased satisfaction of users
• Decisions are made closer to customers.
• Consistent with aiming for a flatter hierarchy.
• Cost savings because not all units that require computing requires computers with the same specifications.

The Shortcomings Of Decentralization :
• Decision making is not always strategic.
• Allows chaos control of a computer system
• Lack of supervision and control
• Security and sharing of information must be verified (norm, indexation, etc.)

Client/Server is a computing that acts as distributed application which has tasks or workloads between the providers of resource or service, called servers. And the applicant a service called client. Characteristics of client / server describes the relationship of the program work together in an application. The server component provides a function or service to one or many clients, which initiate requests for such services.

Advantages of Client / server
• Cost Effective
The system selected for the server can be done separately as well as with the client, as needed. This helps the organization to make the system cost effective to buy the system needs.
• Improved Performance
To increase performance without much effort. For example if the organization decides to go for a system for server side to increase performance this can be done without affecting the users of the client application because the components of client / server computing need not be disturbed in this case.
• Ease of effort and maintenance
If the user interface changes occur the system can be changed with little effort by making changes only in the client side without making changes to the server component.

Disadvantages of Client/server
• Client / server computing is not managed in a centralized and reliability is not much which means if the system should stop in between then the time of real application large will face huge losses in terms of productivity and cost.
• Congestion in the network. Too many requests from clients can mengabitkan congestion. Overload can cause a violation on the down-server.
• Client Server architecture is weak, if the server fails, then the entire network down. And also if an error occurred during the download then the download process will stop altogether.
• Very expensive to install and manage this type of computing.
• Require the professional to maintain the server.


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