Jumat, 09 Maret 2018

Advantages and disadvantages of Centralized, Decentralized and Client/server

I will discuss the problem of the advantages and disadvantages of centralized, decentralized and Client/server. Accidentally I post about this issue because there is the task of information systems course. We just discussed. ^_^

Centralization is the process of assigning decision-making authority to higher levels of the hierarchy of the organization. In an organization, centralized decision-making has moved to a higher level or levels of the organization, such as headquarters, or a company.
Advantages of centralization :
• Easier to coordinate and control from the center
• Faster decision-making is easier to show strong leadership.
• Exchange of data and/or information can be done easily because of the uniformity of storage technology of primary and secondary data.
• Guarantee the establishment of a system that is holistic and coherent in the whole state of the organization because it is standardized and centralized.
Lack of centralization :
• Local managers tend to be much closer to the needs of the customer.
• Lack of authority down the hierarchy may reduce the motivation of managers.
• Customer service does not benefit from flexibility and speed in decision-making local.
• Limited ability to meet the needs of the user.
• Because it will usually lead to a certain standard, often need to be removed the cost is relatively much more expensive compared with the nonstandard.

Decentralization is the process of making decisions and policy to the manager or the people who are on the lower level in an organizational structure.

Advantages Of Decentralization :
• Increased responsibility towards the expenses
• Increased satisfaction of users
• Decisions are made closer to customers.
• Consistent with aiming for a flatter hierarchy.
• Cost savings because not all units that require computing requires computers with the same specifications.

The Shortcomings Of Decentralization :
• Decision making is not always strategic.
• Allows chaos control of a computer system
• Lack of supervision and control
• Security and sharing of information must be verified (norm, indexation, etc.)

Client/Server is a computing that acts as distributed application which has tasks or workloads between the providers of resource or service, called servers. And the applicant a service called client. Characteristics of client / server describes the relationship of the program work together in an application. The server component provides a function or service to one or many clients, which initiate requests for such services.

Advantages of Client / server
• Cost Effective
The system selected for the server can be done separately as well as with the client, as needed. This helps the organization to make the system cost effective to buy the system needs.
• Improved Performance
To increase performance without much effort. For example if the organization decides to go for a system for server side to increase performance this can be done without affecting the users of the client application because the components of client / server computing need not be disturbed in this case.
• Ease of effort and maintenance
If the user interface changes occur the system can be changed with little effort by making changes only in the client side without making changes to the server component.

Disadvantages of Client/server
• Client / server computing is not managed in a centralized and reliability is not much which means if the system should stop in between then the time of real application large will face huge losses in terms of productivity and cost.
• Congestion in the network. Too many requests from clients can mengabitkan congestion. Overload can cause a violation on the down-server.
• Client Server architecture is weak, if the server fails, then the entire network down. And also if an error occurred during the download then the download process will stop altogether.
• Very expensive to install and manage this type of computing.
• Require the professional to maintain the server.


ConnectJob - The Platform Of The Revolution To Bring Together Job Seekers And Workers That Built On Blockchain Technology

The problem of finding work is one of the challenges that must be faced in this life. With ConnectJob, many people can generate additional income by using their skills to help others. There is no need to bother to go to the office in another city or work on weekends. You can decide what should be done, when and for what. Plus, from this platform can pay for services with crypto currency. In other words, we contribute in trying to popularize the digital currency and use it in everyday life.

ConnectJob is a multifunction platform that creates an innovative way to find a job. There is no time to cut hair? Or need a tutor in German? application ConnectJob solve your problem in just a few clicks on the application interface. The geolocation service will show the “workers” on the map that can fulfill the task of the job seeker. Workers only need to agree on the price and time, with no intermediary needed! Smart contracts will take care of the fulfillment of the obligations of costs by both parties, and the contractor will create a platform that is transparent and independent. Here you will not find a specialist in a doctor's surgery or a programmer of the machine, but you can solve almost all the needs of the life.

You can get acquainted with the demo version of the platform today.ConnectJob is available for download in Apple Store and Google Play. After completing the perfect testing in Europe, the project team sought to include the whole world. In 5 years, this app will work in the largest cities in the world such as Paris, New York, London and others. The user is not tied to a strict schedule, and can do the job only when it can be done for them.

How To Work 

ConnectJob platform built using Ethereum blockchain and allows users with a wide range of competencies to find a job on this platform.Work system of the platform created through smart contracts of Ethereum. Clients can connect with workers directly and then pay only after the work has been completed and verified by the system.
Protocol ConnectJob using proof escrow system which negates the need to involve a third party in the transaction process that occurs between the Client and the worker. This allows the platform to make the relationship directly between the client and the freelancer, without the need to involve an escrow third party.
Workers get the results of the assessment and the completion of tasks that are assessed directly which then will be accumulated into score. So there is no incidence of cancellation of payments without following the due process of law. It is something that happened in the platform of the centralized(central) such as Fiverr and others .
ConnectJob will provide the following benefits :
1.The process of Low Cost : the Platform is decentralized so that the ConnectJob will eliminate the intermediaries, which means the cost incurred at the time of the transaction will be lower.
2.Create and Transfer Digital Assets : The ConnectJob will make it easier to create and transfer digital assets, including crypto and evidence data on this ecosystem.
3.Data Immutability : All of the transactions that occur will always be supervised by any member of the network platform, and the transaction can be verified accurately.
4.Security : No one can change on blockchain, and all data in the blockchain is verified by a network of all users.

ConnectJob Token(CJT)

ConnectJob Token is a digital currency that is dynamic and well designed to meet the needs of the users in this ecosystem. Offer a 10% discount to all service relationships when paying with CJT, Access to the VIP service and also a Premium service,as well as providing Priority access to the workers,such as priority access to exclusive services .
ConnectJobs token offers 2400 CJT for 1 ETH with some bonus on every purchase with no minimum purchase. Users can contribute to sales using Ethereum or using fiat currency(ordinary).You can participate by visiting the website.

Media And Partners
ConnectJob has spread in several media popular and also have to have a partner which is nice for once to advance this project in the future.


Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

7 Benefits of the Blockchain for the Development of International

The Blockchain is a single technology that can have an impact on the sector of international development as we understand it now. We have previously written an article how the potential of the blockchain in transforming development. In this article, we will review some of the benefits of the blockchain to the development of the international world.

The World Economic Forum has called the blockchain as a “mega trend” and leader of the innovation Department for International Development of the United Kingdom. Tamara Giltsoff Head of Innovation at the Department for International Development (DFID) the United Kingdom, called the blockchain as a game-changer technology the next.
Now the State Department of the United States would like to explore the application of this technology to the work of development and international diplomacy.
The table of the explain the benefits of the blockchain all at once a comparison with the traditional way during this portion we still use.

7 Benefits of the Blockchain to the Development of the World International

Blockchain in the next few years can be expected to be implemented in emerging markets such as Indonesia and other countries.
The potential benefits of the blockchain are very large, but where we can found examples of successful application of the blockchain which is actually?
Through research, conference, meeting, and meeting, some practitioners have tried to identify where and usability of the application use of the blockchain which is suitable to be applied or tested in developing countries.
These trials focused on the applications which can be beneficial for the poor. Today many are developing and will soon launch a List of Impacts, to provide a place of storage of pre-qualification, the case of the original use for developing countries.
Here are some examples of the benefits of the blockchain that is used in some sectors.
1. Disintermediation
Two parties can exchange without supervision or intermediation of a third party, greatly reduce or even eliminate the risk of the counterparty (the third party or the participant, either a bank or customer, with whom the financial transaction is made, or parties that conduct financial transactions).
2. Users are given the power
Its users hold the control over all of the information and their transactions.
3. The Data are of high quality
The Data of Blockchain in a complete, consistent, timely, accurate, and widely available.
4. Durability, reliability, and long lifespan
Because of the network decentralization, blockchain has no central point of failure and more able to withstand any malicious attack.
5. Process integrity
The user can trust that the transaction will be implemented exactly the same as the command protocol and eliminates the need for a third party.
6. Transparent and immutabilitas
Changes on the blockchains public can be viewed openly by all parties that create transparency, and all of the transactions that can not be changed, which means they cannot be changed or deleted.
7. Easy ecosystem

With all the transactions added to the Ledger of the general single public ledger, reduce the clutter and complication of some great books/ledger.


Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

4 Benefits and Opportunities of the Blockchain Technology

Cryptocurrency is a new technology which is popular in Indonesia. Although it is considered will interfere with some industrial sectors, especially finance and banking, but the blockchain can be utilized as a opportunity because this technology has properties that are more safe, transparent, quick, and efficient.
Executive director Head of Department Policy & Payment System Oversight-Bank Indonesia Eni V Panggabean said the blockchain to provide opportunities for the development of the financial system at the same time brought new challenges. The following opportunities can be exploited with the presence of the blockchain technology, namely
1. Expand Access To Finance
Eni said the opportunities that can be created with the technology of the blockchain such as expanding access to financial services. Access to financial services in Indonesia is already quite extensive, but with the presence of the blockchain then access will be more widespread because it can reach the entire financial transactions without any limitations of a 3rd party (the mediator), which is already there.
In addition, access to finance can rapidly increase in which provide the speed of access and transactions in accordance with the capacity of their own server without relying with a central server.
2. Streamline Business Processes
The opportunities created by the blockchain next is the business process more efficient. The Blockchain can serve financial transactions anytime and anywhere without any limitation of time and space. With this, business processes can be done anywhere and anytime.
Examples such as RTGS transactions which has the limitation of a certain time and can not be done in the holidays but the blockchain can be the solution of it. Of course this will give the time efficiency in the business world.
3. Cheap Cost
Efficiency the next in terms of transaction cost and financial. Blockhain have transaction costs tend to be low if compared with the rate of conventional currencies. This is to help the business world to improve the efficiency of the financial side.
4. Safe
Opportunities in terms of technology is the improvement of security technology. Technology blockhain very safe and effective. Transactions made by the user can be validated at that time also when using a blockchain to trade.
Existing Data can be read by multiple databases. In addition, the application of digital signatures can also be done to confirm the identity of the person or user who has an account on blockchaintersebut. Such signatures can also arrange for permissions to provide the data and history of access.
The identity of the people who use the blockchain can also be secured if necessary. The digital certificate used by the technology of the blockchain only allows someone who really interested can access the data and get a certificate that entitled. The certificate that is used as a substitute for the name of the user that actually it is because the work with setting the identification of any individual.
The utilization of the blockchain is already applied by one of the health care industry according to the monitoring IT in the Partners Healthcare. Blockchain technology can help maintain the security of medical equipment and increased patient privacy if implemented the right way.
Technology big ledger that are decentralized and encrypted, this could have a wealth of applications in the field of health care, including expediting insurance claims, management of medical devices in the virtual world, and provide privacy settings for medical data of every patient.
Other countries already felt the benefits of the blockchain for the business and get the effectiveness and more efficiency, then Indonesia is also expected to feel the same benefits or even more if take advantage of opportunities created by the blockchain technology correctly and wisely.

Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Cryptocurrency With Analogy

There is an interesting analogy to understand what it is cryptocurrency. 100 years ago the people of Yap, an island in the Pacific ocean, or commonly referred to Micronesia using discs large stone as a means of exchange or money. The images on this page show how big the disc rock.

Yep and Stone Discs People Yap is using the stones to finance needs great them like a dowry, get married and hold the intent-the intent of the other. Because of the size-the size of the stone which is very large and can not be moved, then the island's inhabitants could not and did not want to bother to move it. They find a way that is most effective for them to just do the exchange of ownership with the way it was announced in front of the general public, which information the possession of a stone that becomes public knowledge.
Well, because the possession of a stone known by the public and could not be moved carelessly, then it makes the theft or fraud is very difficult to do.
Every resident will not be able to use a stone other people because everyone knows who is the owner of the stone. Every resident that has a stone such discs will not be able to use the same stone for twice the transactions because everyone will also know. And most importantly, the residents of the island of Yap will never be able to forge a tool of exchange because they have to carve and hollow out the stone first where none of the residents on the island who could do it.
With circumstances like that, the actual inhabitants of the island of Yap has found a financial system that is great. But unfortunately, not developed in larger and more advanced.
The presence of Cryptocurrency in the world of global financial is actually to answer the needs of the exchange system are the same as what was done by the inhabitants of Yap, but in a larger scale and more efficiently.
Consequently, one of the cryptocurrency called bitcoin it may be said to be in a stationary position does not move, they remain silent and are in the ledger (general ledger) called the blockchain. Anyone in the world that can access the internet can check out great books here. Because anyone can track and search information about the ownership of an asset, then the potential for cheating will be very can be minimized.
First, a person will not be able to spend bitcoin belongs to someone else, because everyone knows who the owner of the bitcoin of the information that is in the book before.
Second, a person will not be able to spend bitcoin as much as two times to perform the transaction, because the network ledger was continuously renew the information data and there is only one ledger which is managed by the public autonomously.
Third, one cannot falsify a bitcoin, because to create a bitcoin a person miners (the term for the seekers of bitcoin through mining) are required to solve problems in an algorithm-a mathematical algorithm that is constantly renewed in a period of 10 minutes. Any miners who manage to solve a math problem that will receive new bitcoins as a reward and most of all there is no way to falsify the answers of such questions. So the concern is can or cannot, right or wrong in answering the questions.
Transparency is the main key of the stone disks of Yap and Cryptocurrency. All the information needed is there and available to be known to the public. Anyone can observe and validate whether there is a payment from the owner that indeed-indeed has the right to use such coins. So in essence, this system does not require trust between the people who bertranksaksi and interact using this tool, because it is a system which eliminates the possibility for the occurrence of cheating.
Hopefully the article less useful this can slightly help to improve the understanding of the dear reader about what is a Cryptocurrency and the advantages possessed.

Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Blockchain: the Advantages, Disadvantages, and Potentials

Blockchain, the underlying technology of the Bitcoin system, it has long been predicted to change the face of the future of information technology. The concept of big books distributed it would simplify the way people store data in the future. Simplicity blockhain also accompanied by a high level of security and also the ease in sharing information in a data base.
Various efforts have been initiated to explore the potential implementation of the blockchain, in which a consortium of R3 CEV consists of a variety of technology companies and financial companies. In addition, Russia has also started initiation to examine the blockchain. Australia through the institution of research CSIRO has also embarked on the development of the blockchain in its utilization in the industrial world. Wall Street, world financial center, is also not left behind in the development of the blockchain.
Blockchain on Bitcoin is a system which is decentralized. This means that Bitcoin is not influenced by the policy of any government which may bring bad influence to the system. Bitcoin is also an example of the success of the system of peer-to-peer without any central controllers that control the running of the system. Bitcoin can replace the credit cards and debit cards in the future.

The system of decentralization in Bitcoin not only bring advantages, but also disadvantages. Transactions that occur in the system can not be canceled. If an error occurs the transaction, then the funds paid already can not be returned to the sender. There is no way to cancel transactions that have been confirmed into the blockchain. This is quite different from the system of centralization such as credit cards, where consumers get the protection of the above errors, and can get the funds paid back. The utilization of bitcoin in the services of remittances will also experience problems. Those who receive funds in the form of bitcoin should do the conversion into local currency through the exchange service. This is one of the that hinder the implementation of bitcoin to become the intermediary for transaction of remittances.

Wall Street has invested $1 billion in blockchain technology. The pilot implementation of this technology in Wall Street will be done this year. Goldman Sach has mentioned some practical applications of the blockchain in a variety of industries such as energy and property. The Blockchain can also help the music industry in determining the royalty to be paid to the copyright owner the song and the artist, based on the number of songs played. Blockchain will also play a role in the Internet of Things with focus on micro-transactions. The Blockchain can also be implemented in a variety of other uses that haven't been mentioned, which will probably appear in the future.

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

The Blockchain And Its Implementation in Various Sectors

Blockchain started to be known as a future technology which can replace technologies that are currently used by companies and government agencies. Its similar tissue and the nature of desentralisasinya called has a lot of advantages if implemented. In the event BlockBali 2017 organised by Blackarrow Conferences, blockchain and bitcoin becomes the main topic, including its implementation in several sectors.
Chief Scientist CyberMiles Dr Michael Yuan, in his presentation explained that the blockchain is very potential to be used for the e-commerce industry. One of the benefits of the biggest there is on better security, collaboration is easy and other advantages associated with the decentralized system. For security, a decentralized system is considered to be very efficient because of the cyber attacker will have difficulty knock out system blockchain-shaped network. At least more difficult than to knock out one single server centralized.
Yuan also explained that the blockchain also bring efficiency and advantage such as to facilitate identity management and also helps provide the tracking system and the authenticity of the product, because it's all stored in the blockchain and sync to the network blockchain. These solutions were judged to be passionate about the business and technology of e-commerce.
Meanwhile Expert the Nxt Blockchain Foundation Roberto Capodieci explained that the blockchain will bring in the future due to the transparency and cost reduction which is quite significant.
“The Blockchain will generate a substantial increase in transparency, speed, and functionality as well as reduce the cost of records management personal and the public,” said Roberto.
The utilization of more
Almost all the speakers in the conference BlockBali 2017 explained that blockchain with a system desentralisasinya is an ideal technology to replace the technology-the technology that currently exists. They present with an example implementation of the blockchain that is diverse and innovative.
CEO Decent Matej Michalko for example explained that the blockchain could be the cornerstone of building a content distribution platform. Piracy and the difficulties of distribution can be solved by the system of the blockchain marks the content-the content is there. It is expected that with the system blockhain creators easily sell and distribute the content and the audience of the content can easily find and purchase content-the content is there.
MiCai, which was introduced by CEO Gregory Van den Bergh, develop the technology of AI (Artificial Intelligence) for private wealth management protocol built on top of system of the blockchain.
Other solutions introduced Datum, a startup that provides global data exchangeuntuk turn data into a commodity that can be traded. There is also a Singapore-based startup Eximchain that introduce the blockchain technology to help remodel the supply chain system with the blockchain.
